Monday, March 25, 2013

Purposes of Project Scheduling

In order to sequence time and allocate resources to a project, project managers use project scheduling which serves several purposes. It illustrates the relationship of activities with each other and to the whole project, it identifies the precedence relationship between activities, it demonstrate the realistic time and cost estimates for each activity, and it optimize labor and material resources by identifying project’s critical barriers.
Project Scheduling shows the relationship of each activity to others and to the whole project. For example a multi-million dollar movie project consists of many interrelated activities such as A:screen writing, B:story boarding: C:casting, D:Makeup, decoration, costume design, and cinematography E:video shooting, F:audio recording, G:music scoring, H:creating visual and special effects, I:dubbing, and J:mixing, and editing. Project scheduling can demonstrate the relationship between these activities leading to the final product in a timely manner. Figure 1-1 shows these relationships.
In the movie production some activities precede others. For example activity A has to finish prior to B and C and activity B and C has to finish before activity D can start. Project managers can use project scheduling to identify the precedence relationship between these activities.

Each activity in the production or post production requires its time margin and relative cost. Project scheduling serve to demonstrate the realistic time and cost estimates for each activity. In each activity we can determine the earliest time of start and finish as well as the latest time of start and finish. If we change the time on one activity, this will affect the start and finish time of all the dependent activities within the chain.
             At last, project managers use project scheduling to optimize labor and material resources by identifying critical barriers in the project. For example they find the critical path in order to remove critical bottlenecks and they analyze the project schedule in order to expedite the project using the crash time and cost.
 Nowadays computer software ease and excel the process of project scheduling. It is very difficult or maybe impossible for a project manager to meet his/her deadlines without having a proper project schedule.

Figure 1-1 
1.       K is the final Product
2.       Red arrows show the critical path considering the time duration of G is greater than F,H, and I and the time duration of C is greater than B.
Kinal Product


Heizer Jay, Render Barry; Operations Management, Prentice Hall: 10th Edition.  

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